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Staff & Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees of the Adams County Historical Society

Mr. Clinton H. Eppleman, Chair

Ms. Heidi H. Gillis, Vice Chair

Ms. Susan J. Nichols, Treasurer

Mr. Theodore C. Hirt, Esq., Secretary

Mr. Jake Boritt, Trustee

Mr. Charles "Cliff" Bream, Trustee

Rev. Howard F. Burrell, Trustee

Ms. Nancie Gudmestad, Trustee

Ms. Carol A. Hegeman, Trustee

Ms. Jean Howard-Green, Trustee

Mr. Larry Korczyk, Trustee

Ms. Antigoni L. Ladd, Trustee

Ms. Leslie Trew Magraw, Trustee

Dr. Stephen E. Mock, Trustee

Mr. Alan K. Patrono, Esq., Trustee

Mr. John L. Rice, Trustee

Ms. Alisha Sanders, Trustee

Mr. David L. Sites, Trustee

Mr. Andrew I. Dalton, Trustee ex-officio

Executive Directors Emeriti

Dr. Charles H. Glatfelter 

Mr. Wayne E. Motts 

Mr. Benjamin K. Neely

The Adams County Historical Society (ACHS) is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. 


© 2024 Adams County Historical Society

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