Leadership: Beyond the Battle
The Adams County Historical Society - home of Gettysburg’s new, award-winning Beyond the Battle Museum - invites your team to experience a leadership program that brings together the heroic stories of soldiers and the harrowing experiences of civilians who were caught in the crossfire. By visiting this sacred ground and engaging with the lessons of our shared past, participants will gain new insights into effective communication, strategic planning, and teamwork.
What makes Leadership: Beyond the Battle unique?
1. New Leadership Perspectives
2. Flexibility & Customization
3. Knowledgeable and Engaging Faculty
4. Hands-On, Active Learning Opportunities
5. On-Site Options for Meetings & Debriefs
To learn more about Leadership: Beyond the Battle, check out our profile sheet here or contact Abbie Hoffman, Director of Programs & Events, at ahoffman@achs-pa.org or (717) 334-4723 ext. 106.